Hasten - significado y definición. Qué es Hasten
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Qué (quién) es Hasten - definición

Al Salam Al Malaki Al Sa'aodi; National anthem of Saudi Arabia; Saudi national anthem; Aash Al Maleek; Saudi anthem; National anthem of the KSA; Hasten; KSA anthem; Saudi Arabia anthem

I. v. n.
Haste, hurry, move quickly, move speedily, be quick, be in a hurry, make haste, mend one's pace, lose no time, lose not a moment, make the best of one's way, wing one's way, crowd sail, clap spurs to one's horse.
II. v. a.
Expedite, despatch, speed, accelerate, quicken, precipitate, press on, urge on, urge forward, push forward, bring speedily, bring on quickly.
·vi To move celerity; to be rapid in motion; to act speedily or quickly; to go quickly.
II. Hasten ·vt To Press; to drive or urge forward; to push on; to Precipitate; to accelerate the movement of; to Expedite; to Hurry.
v. (E) he hastened to apologize


National Anthem of Saudi Arabia

The national anthem of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was first officially adopted in 1950 without lyrics. The piece was gifted by the then Egyptian King Farouq when King Abdulaziz made a visit to Egypt. It was then adopted again in 1984 with lyrics written by Ibrāhīm Khafājī. The original composition was by Abdul-Raḥman al-Khaṭīb in 1947, and the brass instrumental version was later arranged by Sirāj Umar.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Hasten
1. I wish she would just hasten up.
The Pho Cookbook _ Andrea Nguyen _ Talks at Google
2. I hasten to say that these surfaces
3. I don't have a PhD I should hasten to say.
The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage _ Sydney Padua _ Talks at Google
4. to hasten the demise of the 3,000-mile salad
5. You hasten things, you do things, you block circulation.
Scaling Up Excellence _ Bob Sutton & Huggy Rao _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Hasten
1. No one else should decide its timing, or hasten it.
2. So the market economy‘s enemies should not hasten to rejoice.
3. I‘m just observing, I hasten to add, not complaining.
4. Her election may also hasten the departure of individual congregations.
5. "Insurance companies will not hasten to lower premiums, just as they did not hasten to lower premiums when the number of car thefts fell in recent years.